Cummins INSITE Diagnostic Software
Course Schedule
Self-Paced Online Learning Course
Course Description
Prerequisites: ISL X or 8.3L course recommended.
Recommended Sequence is ISL G level I, INSITE, ISL G Level II
Course Description: This self-paced distance learning course is designed to give technicians the knowledge needed to utilize the Cummins INSITEtm Electronic Service Tool. We will be using Quick Reference Cards and software demonstration videos for reference and the topics learned will be utilized extensively in the ISL G level II class. Reference Material will be provided as Resources.
Course Benefits: Students will receive extensive fundamental knowledge in working with INSITE and learning the intricacies of this diagnostic software. This class is a must for technicians involved with diagnosis and repair of Cummins engine management and fuel delivery systems regardless of the platform engine.
Who Should Attend: Those who have previously attended Cummins 8.9 Level I
What You Will Learn:
- Select, add and connect proper adapters to an ECM
- Create custom groups and verify parameters
- Access, define, research, and clear fault codes
- Produce snapshots, data logging, and Graphing
- Look up engine derate, enabling criteria and other troubleshooting technique information
- Navigate the Electronic service tools for Cummins
Course Outline:
- Course Introduction
- Navigation
- Connect to ECM
- Fault Codes
- Data Monitor and Logger
- ECM Diagnostic Tests
- Advanced ECM Data
- Features and Parameters
- Other INSITE Functions
- Connections
- Cummins Adapters and Connectors
- Conclusion
Course Times: Self-paced and self-directed
Number of Hours/Days: 8 Hours over 2-week period
Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0
*INSITE™ is a semi truck diagnostic software that performs engine diagnostics and displays this information on your PC for your convenience.